Welcome to The Journey
A news magazine created to connect, inform & inspire
Volume 2 / Issue 4, September 2023
<p>Changing our perspective</p>

Welcome to the Journey - September 2023

Making change in our lives often means making changes in ourselves, as well as, our ways of thinking and interacting with the world. To make this possible, we depend on the wisdom and empathy of others -- from friends, from people working in the field of housing for adults with IDD, and from innovators who help us manifest the changes we want to see.

In this issue ...

We share some good news about new projects to build more accessible housing in Washington State, talk about what to expect during your Benefits and Housing Review consult, and share our next webinar for families. We also feature an article from a mom on her son's mad knife skills, introduce you to an incredible theme park built specifically for people with IDD, and provide an update on new programming at Special Olympics Washington. You'll read about a financial wellness course, learn about the new Chrysler Calm Cabin to make road time easier, and read the amazing story about Andrew and his best friend Frightful in this issue's book review. As always, we hope you find some encouragement, some food for thought, and some inspiration.

News for the Journey Home
Sep 01, 2023

Thanks to a generous grant from the Dan Thompson Memorial Fund, contracted through the Developmental Disabilities Administration, Partners4Housing is offering a FREE Benefits and Housing Review.

Sep 01, 2023
Lisa Pemberton
Lisa Pemberton - DSHS Media Relations Manager

Three Washington State agencies are coming together to fulfill $19 million in affordable and accessible housing contracts, meaning some new options are on the horizon for the IDD community.

Sep 01, 2023
Pam Blanton
Partners4Housing CEO

Are you struggling to navigate the benefits silos? Wondering about shared living? Looking for a place to start? Sign up for our next housing webinar and bring all your burning questions!  

Sep 01, 2023
Pam Blanton
Partners4Housing CEO

While every situation is unique, here’s what to expect the first time you meet online with your Solutions Coordinator.

Voices of IDD
Sep 01, 2023
Kristin Jarvis Adams
Andrew's mom

A young man with a dream to work in a professional kitchen is given the chance he needs … thanks to a chef who asked him the right questions. It’s a perfect example of an important tactic when communicating with people of any ability.

With a focus on accessible family fun, Morgan’s Wonderland delivers a theme park experience for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in South Texas. Gordon Hartman has created a one-of-a-kind safe space for his daughter and her community.

Sep 01, 2023
Carol Pearson

“We are the community we serve. These innovative programs come out of our collective lived experiences and the voices of more than 50,000 athletes, coaches, volunteers and other allies.”

Living, Inspired with IDD
Sep 01, 2023
Carol Pearson

Sometimes a book comes along that grabs you and won’t let go. This one will take you by the hand – laughing, crying and learning – from the first page right straight through to the stunning end. 

Sep 01, 2023
Carol Pearson

Michael Roush, Director, Center for Disability-Inclusive Community Development, National Disability Institute, believes that the journey to financial wellness is worth taking for everyone. His organization offers many free resources on financial resiliency and empowerment to those with IDD.

Sep 01, 2023
Carol Pearson

For kids with autism, car rides can be overstimulating and even downright scary. There may be some relief ahead, thanks to a recent partnership between the Autism Society of America and Chrysler.

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