Welcome to The Journey
A news magazine created to connect, inform & inspire
Issue: Winter 2023, News for the Journey Home
Feb 22, 2023
Pam Blanton
Partners4Housing CEO
The journey toward home for your Loved One is challenging. Navigating the social service silos, finding suitable housing, choosing roommates and parent partners, hiring the right caregivers – it can be daunting. That’s why we offer these free webinars, to help you begin to make sense of it all.

The journey toward home for your Loved One is challenging. Navigating the social service silos, finding suitable housing, choosing roommates and parent partners, hiring the right caregivers – it can be daunting. That’s why we offer these free webinars, to help you begin to make sense of it all.

When you’re ready to start, we’re here for you. Sign up for our free family webinar to learn about your options, and how we help families like yours. Bring your questions and learn from other families.

We start with a short video that describes how we help families create housing solutions. Then, we open the floor to questions from our families; this is where the real learning happens, when families have a chance to ask the tough questions about their real-life challenges. This open Q&A session is the perfect opportunity to start getting the answers you need.

“Thank you for the work you do. It is truly a bright light in this time of passage for our son into young adulthood and I look forward to working with you. I enjoyed your Zoom presentation, especially since you answered everyone's questions as they emerged, rather than just presenting!” - Debra, parent, Washington State

Visit our webinar page to see upcoming dates and times. Then bring us your burning questions. You’ll learn about our Residential Assessment and follow-up consultation, our Roommate Matching Pool, and our consulting services and how they can help families like yours. We’ve helped hundreds of families find peace of mind, maximize their benefits and take achievable steps to help their Loved One on their journey toward a resilient housing solution. We’d love to help your family too.

Sign up now for our next webinar

March 23 at Noon PST / 3 pm EST

Can’t make the March webinar? Sign up to be notified of upcoming dates.

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